Bundarbo Station Jugiong and two dolls.

This is Bundarbo Station. I wanted to tell you about my weekend in Jugiong. Where is Jugiong you ask? Good question. It is near Yass which is 45 minutes from Canberra. Jugiong is a town on the Sydney to Melbourne route  with a population of 300. The reason for the trip was the open garden at Bundarbo, Jugiong.

But this was no garden. It was an impeccably maintained magnificent estate on the banks of the Murrumbidgee River.

Bundarbo is owned by Sam and Sue Chisholm. Sam is better known as right hand man to the likes of Kerry Packer and Rupert Murdoch. But today he was all about fund raising for the local school of Jugiong (26 pupils) as he opened up the exquisite property to the public.


This property dates back to 1847 and remained in the same family for 150 years until it was acquired by the current owners who have extensively restored and modified the property.


The gardens are beautiful and the surrounding undulating landscape was well worth the 3.5 hour trip. And it would seem that  hundreds of others shared this view  because the tiny school of Jugiong attracted over 1600 people in support of its  fundraising efforts. No mean feat but hardly surprising given the organisation that had gone into the day and the attention to detail that contributed to its success.





The Jugiong school and community should take a bow. It was a marvellous day and a highly successful fundraiser.

Meanwhile, back in Jugiong proper, the town was abuzz.


The Jugiong Motor Inn was packed to the rafters and guests enjoyed a 5 star dinner and then one or two nightcaps to follow. The motel itself and usually sleepy town seemed to have been dropped holus bolus into a paddock of very unperturbed sheep, horses and alpacas who were decidedly unfazed by the commotion caused by the the out-of-towners. It was truly a good ‘for the soul’ experience. Deepak Chopra would approve.



And I really should mention the renowned Long Track Café & Pantry that not only served lunch and the most delicious home made cakes and Anzac cookies but also stocked an array of quality home wares, leather and linen goods. Honestly, the whole weekend was an indulgence of the senses.

Last but not least, remembering this is a sewing blog and just reminding you that I am momentarily ‘off’ sewing clothes, here are my latest two dolls.



Have a good week!