Merry Handmade Christmas

My daughter asked for a cat.........a real one. This is my compromise

My daughter asked for a cat………a real one. This is my compromise

Neutral linen with sequins

Neutral linen with sequins

imageCat for the other daughter

A doll in neutrals to match the cat in brown tones.....same daughter

A doll in neutrals to match the cat in brown tones…..same daughter

Merry Christmas everyone. I have so enjoyed reading your posts this year. I enjoy being a part of this community because I am inspired by you and I love learning about your lives in your part of the world. Every post makes my feet itchier!

I have not contributed nearly as much as I had hoped to but I plan to make 2016 a little different. I have hopes and dreams for this year for both my personal and professional lives and I also think it’s time to change my sewing and Etsy focus……….haven’t quite fleshed out my ideas yet but I know it’s time for the next challenge…….in a ‘sewing’ way.

Anyway, these are images of  what I have made for my family for Christmas this year. I also have a stash of Marrimekko oil cloth that I planned to make into make up purses……..I will do that later.

Have a merry Christmas and a peaceful holiday and keep on crafting and posting.



Good combination

20141029-233900.jpg I have just despatched an Etsy order for 2 cushion covers. One is pewter sequins and the other, knitted silver. 20141029-234041.jpg As I was wrapping the order, it struck me that the customer has very good taste, combining the two. I had not marketed them together and frankly, never even thought about it. Actually, it’s a pity that I never seem to have the time to do the part of Etsy that I like best……..trying different combinations. I think I could come up with some great looks…..endless possibilities. But I always seem to be one just project behind…always chasing my tail. But back to the cushion covers that I despatched today, I like the 2 different textures together ie the thick yarn with the very small sequins…..both from the same palette. It’s a great look. 20141029-235537.jpg Incidentally, poor little Frankie lost her dew claw when she was chasing a ball. We had to have it removed by the vet……that’s why the fabulous lime bandage!!! 20141029-235853.jpg