A doll and a day in the country

imageI am feeling very disenchanted by dress making at the moment. It seems everything I turn my hand to is wrong…..looks wrong. In fact, I’d been feeling like I’d lost the knack and then I came down with a nasty bout of tonsillitis. So I’m hoping it’s simply been a case of ‘do not sew under any circumstances if you feel under the weather’ and I’ll bounce back. I actually found a beautiful piece of emerald silk in my stash today and was tempted to make a blouse……but I stopped myself just in time. I couldn’t cope with another failure.

Anyway, I’ve found a lovely way to amuse myself……

Making dolls! I have so enjoyed the last couple of weeks sitting in front of the TV stuffing little dolls.

And don’t you think she’s lovely? I found the pattern in a magazine and given that I’ve always been a sucker for dolls, there was no stopping me. I’m going to make my girls and my nieces one each for Christmas………if I can bear to part with them…..I have so much admiration for those selfless sewers who make presents for other people………I am too selfish. But this year I am going to try and embrace selflessness with my sewing. And gosh I’m loving giving the dress making a breather. Incidentally, the doll’s dress was made out of fabric I found in Mum’s stash. And I do believe it’s a liberty!

On another theme…..gardens. We went to Bowral for the day to look at an open garden. Feast your eyes! It was beautiful. But the cows are not part of it.






